A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
In the background to this shot, Britain's largest deep-water container port, Felixstowe Docks, at
the confluence of the Stour and the Deben estuaries, carries something like 40% of Britain's
import/export traffic. But that's really boring - check out the foreground! This is apparently an
E-boat, the sort of German high-speed motor-torpedo boat that in WW2 harried our shipping
and lunches, although this one has been converted for private use and doesn't often torpedo
shipping any more. Riding the tide between Harwich, Felixstowe and Shotley Point, its three
masts are a nice counterpoint to the new cranes in the Docks.
In the early decades of flight, Felixstowe was the location of the RAF's testing establishment for
all new types, including RJ Mitchell's Supermarine float planes that won the Schneider Trophy
for Britain in 1931 and which led directly to the Spitfire, that most iconic of all fighter aircraft.
In the background to this shot, Britain's largest deep-water container port, Felixstowe Docks, at
the confluence of the Stour and the Deben estuaries, carries something like 40% of Britain's
import/export traffic. But that's really boring - check out the foreground! This is apparently an
E-boat, the sort of German high-speed motor-torpedo boat that in WW2 harried our shipping and
lunches, although this one has been converted for private use and doesn't often torpedo
shipping any more. Riding the tide between Harwich, Felixstowe and Shotley Point, its three
masts are a nice counterpoint to the new cranes in the Docks.
In the early decades of flight, Felixstowe was the location of the RAF's testing establishment for
all new types, including RJ Mitchell's Supermarine float planes that won the Schneider Trophy for
Britain in 1931 and which led directly to the Spitfire, that most iconic of all fighter aircraft.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)