A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
Sometimes us photographers just get lucky. The vast majority of professional photographers, of
course, are dedicated to the job they love and are skilled in, not requiring luck to get the
picture. Others will wait hours, primed like a hair trigger, for the perfect shot. There's an element
of serendipity in much published photography, though not everyone admits it. Where the
papparazzo relies on luck as well as skill for his dinner and the wildlife photographer needs an
element of luck in his pursuit of that snow leopard, etc. the war photographer needs luck just to
not get killed (too many are). But us lesser mortals will get a buzz when an off-the-cuff picture
comes out well, or... lucky. On leaving the venue for the Sheepdog Trials there was a gap in
the crowd wandering over Haughley Park just as I was passing a beautiful row of silver birches. I
thought I saw a picture there, of the tall trees and their shadows making the sort of natural
pattern I particularly like. But in the edit later, the picture just wouldn’t resolve into a good
composition. Either I should have got closer and made more of the verticals, or further back for
a long shot, but the exiting crowds would’ve made that difficult. I was rescued by a crop that
eliminated the birches completely in favour of a lone tree off to the right. The subsequent loss
of resolution was disguised by a little diffusion and by introducing some creative elements that
heightened the sense of ‘summer’. The picture happily split itself into the legendary ‘thirds’
horizontally with the tree-trunk dead centre vertically.
Sometimes us photographers just get lucky. The vast majority of professional photographers, of
course, are dedicated to the job they love and are skilled in, not requiring luck to get the picture.
Others will wait hours, primed like a hair trigger, for the perfect shot. There's an element of
serendipity in much published photography, though not everyone admits it. Where the papparazzo
relies on luck as well as skill for his dinner and the wildlife photographer needs an element of luck in his
pursuit of that snow leopard, etc. the war photographer needs luck just to not get killed (too many
are). But us lesser mortals will get a buzz when an off-the-cuff picture comes out well, or... lucky. On
leaving the venue for the Sheepdog Trials there was a gap in the crowd wandering over Haughley
Park just as I was passing a beautiful row of silver birches. I thought I saw a picture there, of the tall
trees and their shadows making the sort of natural pattern I particularly like. But in the edit later, the
picture just wouldn’t resolve into a good composition. Either I should have got closer and made more
of the verticals, or further back for a long shot, but the exiting crowds would’ve made that difficult. I
was rescued by a crop that eliminated the birches completely in favour of a lone tree off to the right.
The subsequent loss of resolution was disguised by a little diffusion and by introducing some creative
elements that heightened the sense of ‘summer’. The picture happily split itself into the legendary
‘thirds’ horizontally with the tree-trunk dead centre vertically.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)