A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)
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framing suggestion:
Being the eastern-most county of the UK, and a bit flat, we do get bitter winds off the North
Sea and/or Siberia drilling through our underwear. But as a measure of compensation, Suffolk is
also the dryest county. Here is a lonely stand of trees near Coddenham facing the snowy
Being the eastern-most county of the UK, and a bit flat, we do get bitter winds off the North
Sea and/or Siberia drilling through our underwear. But as a measure of compensation, Suffolk is
also the dryest county. Here is a lonely stand of trees near Coddenham facing the snowy

Cold in Coddenham

Keep it simple - looks great!

Keep it simple - looks great!

A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)