A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
The fishing done for the day, and before the early dark sets in, the fishing community of
Felixstowe Ferry head straight for the Ferry Boat Inn for a well-earned pint of leg-warmer,
leaving the colourful tumble of their nets for lurking snappers - who have been in the pub since
lunchtime. Now this is odd, because this particular array of nets hadn't changed for weeks. It
was as if these nets had been left there for people like me to take pictures of. And then I
realised that, although the small harbour at Felixstowe Ferry was fairly crowded with small
boats, some of them evidently small fishing boats, they never seemed to change much, as if
they'd all been abandoned and just left there. And you rarely saw a fishing boat - or any boat
for that matter - going into or out of the harbour. Now, Suffolk is a fairly laid-back sort of place,
and Felixstowe Ferry has a definite air of relaxed charm about it, but I just wondered how the
excellent wet fish shop at the Ferry was always full of stock...
The fishing done for the day, and before the early dark sets in, the fishing community of Felixstowe
Ferry head straight for the Ferry Boat Inn for a well-earned pint of leg-warmer, leaving the
colourful tumble of their nets for lurking snappers - who have been in the pub since lunchtime. Now
this is odd, because this particular array of nets hadn't changed for weeks. It was as if these nets
had been left there for people like me to take pictures of. And then I realised that, although the
small harbour at Felixstowe Ferry was fairly crowded with small boats, some of them evidently small
fishing boats, they never seemed to change much, as if they'd all been abandoned and just left
there. And you rarely saw a fishing boat - or any boat for that matter - going into or out of the
harbour. Now, Suffolk is a fairly laid-back sort of place, and Felixstowe Ferry has a definite air of
relaxed charm about it, but I just wondered how the excellent wet fish shop at the Ferry was
always full of stock...
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)