A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)
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B & W
framing suggestion:
Dominating the Old Town Sq in Prague is this memorial to the 14th century iconoclast and
reformer Jan Hus, although the figure here is not Hus himself but one of his acolytes on the
edge of the memorial. According to Wikipedia, it was designed by one Ladislav Šaloun in 1915
to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Hus's martyrdom.
In about six trips to Prague, I've had many goes at photographing this famous statue, but
this is the only time that it's worked for me - the light was right, I didn't have a broken-down
BSA to get fixed, I wasn't hung-over and I had time to compose the shot. Most people
photograph the statue in long-shot, presumably as part of the record of their trip to Prague,
but I find the whole thing a bit lumpen and dull. However, this striking detail, the follower's
arm pointing almost accusingly (this is pre-Luther) toward the Týn Church, says more about
the passions of the reforming movement than does the imperious but somewhat bland figure
of Jan Hus himself, up there on his perch.
Dominating the Old Town Sq in Prague is this memorial to the 14th century iconoclast and
reformer Jan Hus, although the figure here is not Hus himself but one of his acolytes on the
edge of the memorial. According to Wikipedia, it was designed by one Ladislav Šaloun in 1915 to
commemorate the 500th anniversary of Hus's martyrdom.
In about six trips to Prague, I've had many goes at photographing this famous statue, but this is
the only time that it's worked for me - the light was right, I didn't have a broken-down BSA to
get fixed, I wasn't hung-over and I had time to compose the shot. Most people photograph
the statue in long-shot, presumably as part of the record of their trip to Prague, but I find the
whole thing a bit lumpen and dull. However, this striking detail, the follower's arm pointing almost
accusingly (this is pre-Luther) toward the Týn Church, says more about the passions of the
reforming movement than does the imperious but somewhat bland figure of Jan Hus himself, up
there on his perch.

Jan Hus statue

Black & whites

A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)