A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)
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framing suggestion:
Brittany is everything people say it is! Beautiful, peaceful, rugged, friendly, cheap
(relatively), ancient, historic and fun. It's also huge: my friends and I miscalculated the
distances involved for a week's car-hire holiday, and consequently never made it to the
coast around Finisterre and the ports of Quimper and Brest. However, a drive up the
coast from St Brieuc to the Ile de Brehat, a car-free walking island off the northern
coast, was a comparable delight. This is the seascape as you approach the island on the
Brittany is everything people say it is! Beautiful, peaceful, rugged, friendly, cheap
(relatively), ancient, historic and fun. It's also huge: my friends and I miscalculated the
distances involved for a week's car-hire holiday, and consequently never made it to the
coast around Finisterre and the ports of Quimper and Brest. However, a drive up the coast
from St Brieuc to the Ile de Brehat, a car-free walking island off the northern coast, was a
comparable delight. This is the seascape as you approach the island on the ferry.

In Brittany

Do not be tempted to use a blue mount - it will be overpowering. Try grey.

Do not be tempted to use a blue mount - it will be overpowering. Try grey.

World gallery

A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)