A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
I'm allergic to horses, or rather to the hay in their stables, to which I get an immediate and
severe reaction. Or I used to, but some years ago I was contracted by an American
producer to shoot the pilot of a series of programmes about horses, to be shot worldwide if
the pilot was successful. This first film was based on the National Horse Fair at Golega in
Portugal, to which Lusitano horses and their riders from all over Europe would attend. For four
days it rained practically non-stop, which landed me with some technical problems, especially
at night, but the footage I got was, if anything, enhanced by the atmosphere, with everyone
at the Fair pulling together to make the best of it. Unfortunately, the series did not come
off, as neither I nor the producers saw the finished episode - the director, a strange fellow by
turns affable and violently un-affable, scarpered one night from the edit suite with all the
rushes and was never seen again. The producers later told me that it had looked like 'a
million bucks had been spent on the material', so I was particularly miffed at never having
seen any of it. Anyway, I had had no reaction at all to the stables at Golega for some
reason, which was just as well or it would have made my work impossible.
I'm allergic to horses, or rather to the hay in their stables, to which I get an immediate and severe
reaction. Or I used to, but some years ago I was contracted by an American producer to shoot
the pilot of a series of programmes about horses, to be shot worldwide if the pilot was successful.
This first film was based on the National Horse Fair at Golega in Portugal, to which Lusitano horses
and their riders from all over Europe would attend. For four days it rained practically non-stop,
which landed me with some technical problems, especially at night, but the footage I got was, if
anything, enhanced by the atmosphere, with everyone at the Fair pulling together to make the
best of it. Unfortunately, the series did not come off, as neither I nor the producers saw the
finished episode - the director, a strange fellow by turns affable and violently un-affable, scarpered
one night from the edit suite with all the rushes and was never seen again. The producers later
told me that it had looked like 'a million bucks had been spent on the material', so I was particularly
miffed at never having seen any of it. Anyway, I had had no reaction at all to the stables at
Golega for some reason, which was just as well or it would have made my work impossible.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)