A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
Boats, dinghies, tenders, rowboats, in their usual jumble on the hard at Felixstowe Ferry. The
midday sun is still kicking off the overnight rain, and the yellow tender, which last week only had
a few inches of rain in it, is now nearly full. Doubtless the owner has taken one look at it and
gone straight back to the Ferry Boat Inn round the corner.
Sometimes, you just get lucky: if I had a pound for every time I've been 'backstage' at
Felixstowe Ferry, I'd have about a fiver, and it wouldn't last long. But on this occasion, the
jumble of boats, usually quite unattractive, being mostly plastic dinghies, were in a tidy bunch
and colourful. But to avoid the 'snapshot' feel that I have a horror of - having seen too many
soul-less picture books of 'pretty Suffolk' - the picture needed a kick in the pants. It got it from
Tiffen Dfx's 'rays' function. I've deliberately flared it out to resemble a blinding sun kicking off a
still-wet bit of boat. Nobody has ever queried it, and it sells well, so I presume it looks quite
genuine. I hold my hand up here for the first time.
Boats, dinghies, tenders, rowboats, in their usual jumble on the hard at Felixstowe Ferry. The
midday sun is still kicking off the overnight rain, and the yellow tender, which last week only had a
few inches of rain in it, is now nearly full. Doubtless the owner has taken one look at it and gone
straight back to the Ferry Boat Inn round the corner.
Sometimes, you just get lucky: if I had a pound for every time I've been 'backstage' at Felixstowe
Ferry, I'd have about a fiver, and it wouldn't last long. But on this occasion, the jumble of boats,
usually quite unattractive, being mostly plastic dinghies, were in a tidy bunch and colourful. But to
avoid the 'snapshot' feel that I have a horror of - having seen too many soul-less picture books of
'pretty Suffolk' - the picture needed a kick in the pants. It got it from Tiffen Dfx's 'rays' function.
I've deliberately flared it out to resemble a blinding sun kicking off a still-wet bit of boat. Nobody has
ever queried it, and it sells well, so I presume it looks quite genuine. I hold my hand up here for
the first time.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)