A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
These gantry cranes enable a remotely controlled ship-to-shore operation at Felixstowe, now
Britain's biggest container port and second only to Rotterdam in Europe. The cranes
themselves come from China. The increasingly big container ships unloading at an increasing
rate at this expanding port means more goods trains waking me up as they thunder past our
house in the middle of the night. Every night. That's why we now have cracks in our interior
plastering, why pictures never stay straight on the wall, and probably why half the external
rendering of an outside wall fell down one night. On the other hand, it's the same track that the
new 'Pacific' steam locomotive, Tornado, uses when it's in touring mode, and I don't mind that
thundering past too much.
These gantry cranes enable a remotely controlled ship-to-shore operation at Felixstowe, now
Britain's biggest container port and second only to Rotterdam in Europe. The cranes themselves
come from China. The increasingly big container ships unloading at an increasing rate at this
expanding port means more goods trains waking me up as they thunder past our house in the
middle of the night. Every night. That's why we now have cracks in our interior plastering, why
pictures never stay straight on the wall, and probably why half the external rendering of an
outside wall fell down one night. On the other hand, it's the same track that the new 'Pacific'
steam locomotive, Tornado, uses when it's in touring mode, and I don't mind that thundering
past too much.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)