A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
For 11 years, my business partner and I ran a small production studio (The Production
House) until we ran out of clients in one of Thatcher's recessions of the 1990's. Working in
both film and video, we were doing reasonably well, with a number of big-name clients,
but unfortunately we had too few 'bread-and- butter' clients to keep us going when the
recessions repeatedly hit in the 1980's and 90's. When the half-dozen or so regular
household-name clients all pulled their expenditure on promotional and educational videos
at the same time, we called it a day. It was fun while it lasted.
Our studio was situated in a large semi-derelict pile in Wandsworth, The Royal Victoria
Patriotic Building, which as it was slowly restored from its derelict state became an
eccentric community of creative crafts and businesses. This shot is of one of the resident
drama school's dance workshops, after class. In return for their paying our monthly bill at
the resident's bar, we would record and edit their students' drama performances for later
appraisal and end-of-year awards. I don't know if any of the students went on to fame
and fortune in film or television, but the showreels we made for them hopefully did some
good in their desperate world of auditions and under-employment.
For 11 years, my business partner and I ran a small production studio (The Production House)
until we ran out of clients in one of Thatcher's recessions of the 1990's. Working in both film and
video, we were doing reasonably well, with a number of big-name clients, but unfortunately we
had too few 'bread-and- butter' clients to keep us going when the recessions repeatedly hit in
the 1980's and 90's. When the half-dozen or so regular household-name clients all pulled their
expenditure on promotional and educational videos at the same time, we called it a day. It was
fun while it lasted.
Our studio was situated in a large semi-derelict pile in Wandsworth, The Royal Victoria Patriotic
Building, which as it was slowly restored from its derelict state became an eccentric community
of creative crafts and businesses. This shot is of one of the resident drama school's dance
workshops, after class. In return for their paying our monthly bill at the resident's bar, we would
record and edit their students' drama performances for later appraisal and end-of-year awards.
I don't know if any of the students went on to fame and fortune in film or television, but the
showreels we made for them hopefully did some good in their desperate world of auditions and
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)