A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)
I got a bit lost in Cambridge looking for the Pitt Rivers Museum. Hardly surprising, since it's in
Oxford, but then I got lost looking for the Fitzwilliam instead. That was hardly surprising either,
given that there is a maze of narrow streets surrounding the colleges in Cambridge, and after
a few pints at the legendary Eagle pub, the venue for Crick and Watson's announcement of
their discovery of the DNA double-helix, I got a bit disoriented round by the Backs. So I've
forgotten which college these splendid chimneys belong to, but, heyho, it's still a nice picture.
A long day was closing, and by the time I got to the Fitzwilliam, that had closed as well.
I got a bit lost in Cambridge looking for the Pitt Rivers Museum. Hardly surprising, since it's in
Oxford, but then I got lost looking for the Fitzwilliam instead. That was hardly surprising either,
given that there is a maze of narrow streets surrounding the colleges in Cambridge, and after a
few pints at the legendary Eagle pub, the venue for Crick and Watson's announcement of their
discovery of the DNA double-helix, I got a bit disoriented round by the Backs. So I've forgotten
which college these splendid chimneys belong to, but, heyho, it's still a nice picture. A long day
was closing, and by the time I got to the Fitzwilliam, that had closed as well.
A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£26)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)