A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)
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framing suggestion:
Can't begin to imagine what this old (Ford?) is doing in the dense forest of SE Alaska, just
outside Juneau. Well, actually I can: from its state of decay it doesn't appear to have had
an accident, but it's entirely possible that, had it been there since, say, the 1920s when
this car might have been a fashionable model, that the forest has since grown up around
it. Much of SE Alaska was under ice until very recently, and since freed from it, the land
has quickly been regenerated by plant and animal species. So, a young lad does a bit of
off-roading in a second-hand jalopy and breaks down. He walks to the nearest road for a
lift back to Juneau, and, being a typical yoof, doesn't get round to repairing the car and
eventually can't be bothered - he abandons it. 60 years later, a bunch of Brits and their
Alaskan friend are gathering blueberries - conscious that bears are very fond of blueberries
too - and chance upon the wreck, the engine sunk through the frame but the seats still
intact. But before any further investigation becomes possible, there's some rustling in the
bushes that isn't one of us...
Can't begin to imagine what this old (Ford?) is doing in the dense forest of SE Alaska, just outside
Juneau. Well, actually I can: from its state of decay it doesn't appear to have had an accident,
but it's entirely possible that, had it been there since, say, the 1920s when this car might have
been a fashionable model, that the forest has since grown up around it. Much of SE Alaska was
under ice until very recently, and since freed from it, the land has quickly been regenerated by
plant and animal species. So, a young lad does a bit of off-roading in a second-hand jalopy and
breaks down. He walks to the nearest road for a lift back to Juneau, and, being a typical yoof,
doesn't get round to repairing the car and eventually can't be bothered - he abandons it. 60 years
later, a bunch of Brits and their Alaskan friend are gathering blueberries - conscious that bears are
very fond of blueberries too - and chance upon the wreck, the engine sunk through the frame but
the seats still intact. But before any further investigation becomes possible, there's some rustling in
the bushes that isn't one of us...

Forest junkyard

mh089 In an Alaskan wood
World gallery

A3 (c. 16"x12") print on:

Permajet Gold Silk (£26)

Innova Soft-textured matt (£24)

A2 (c. 23"x16") print on:
Permajet Gold Silk (£40)
Innova Soft-textured matt (£36)